Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to change IP address of your ESX Server

There is a time when you need to change the IP adress your ESX host. You can’t do it in the VI client Graphical User Interface. The only thing you can do is to go to the ESX server console.

1.) First of all , you must have physical access to the console.

2.) Put your ESX host in Maintenance Mode and disconect it from Virtual Center.

3.) Now you can connect to the console of your ESX host.

4.) Remove the old IP adress (by deleting the vswif interface) “esxcfg-vswif -d vswif0″ (vsfif0 is your interface to remove. Otherwise use the number you need)
How to change IP adress of ESX Server console

5.) Create a new vswif interface with the New IP adress “esxcfg-vswif -a vswif0 -p “Service Console” -i -n -b″ (vsfif0 is your interface you work with. Otherwise use the number you need). If you need, replace Service Console with the name of your Service Console portgroup (this one is the default value)
-i is the new IP adresse
-n is your new subnet
-b is your broadcast

6.) Update the default gateway. Open nano “nano /etc/sysconfig/network file”
How to change ESX server Ip adress on the console
How to change ESX server Ip adress on the console
Press “CTRL+O” and “ENTER” then “CTRL+Q” to quit

7.) Then you need to restart the interfac. Do a “esxcfg-vswif -s vswif0″ (this will disable the vswif0 interface) and “esxcfg-vswif -e vswif0″ (this will enable the vswif0 interface)
How to change IP adress on the ESX Server console

8.) You should now update update DNS and your HOSTS files. Also what I would do is a “ipconfig /flushdns” and “ipconfig /registerdns” on your Virtual Center server. Only after you should reconect your ESX server host in the Virtual Center.

You can change the DNS information, hostname from the VI client GUI:

01.) Open the VI client and highlight the ESX Server host and click on the Configuration tab.

02.) Click DNS and Routing.
Change DNS and Routing ESX Server through VI GUI

03.) Click Properties.

04.) If you want to change the hostname, domain, and DNS servers, click the DNS Configuration tab and enter the appropriate values.
Change ESX server DNS and Routing through VI client GUI

05.) To change the default gateway, click the Routing tab and enter the appropriate values.
Change ESX server DNS and Routing through VI client GUI

06.) Then you can restart the ESX server from the GUI interface of your VI client for the changes to take an effect
Change ESX server DNS and Routing through VI client GUI

So after the reboot you get this : (I just changed my DNS info from “” to “” … as an example
Change ESX server DNS and Routing through VI client GUI

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